✨ Auto Posher is now Nifty! Here's what you need to do
Have you heard about the annoying "waterfall offer" requirement on Mercari?
On Mercari, each time you send an offer, you're required to go 10% lower than your last offer, meaning you have to send lower and lower offers even if someone else likes your item! If sellers aren't careful, this can quickly eat into your profits.
But don't worry, Nifty has your back. Read on to see our workaround to help with this and save you money when you set up offers on Mercari with us:
When a new shopper likes your item, Mercari usually requires you to send an offer that reduces the price for all likers. For example, if you originally sent a 10% offer to one person, you'd have to go 10% lower for the next liker. This is where Nifty comes in handy.
Targeted Offers: With Nifty, you can send offers to new likers based on your original discount (for example, 10% off your listing price) without having to reduce the price for everyone. No more waterfall offers!
Save Time and Money: By avoiding the need to lower your price repeatedly, you save both time and money. Nifty allows you to maintain your margins while still attracting potential buyers.
Did you know Mercari won't let you send offers above 25%? 🤔 That's another reason why using Nifty's smart offer system can help you keep your pricing strategy consistent and effective.
Having a solid strategy for sending offers can boost your sales and profits when reselling on Mercari. Personalized offers can create a sense of urgency and increase the likelihood of converting likes into sales.
Using Nifty, you can implement a smart offer strategy without the hassle. Here's some more ways we can improve the way you send Mercari offers:
Set Up Targeted Discounts:
Automate and Relax:
Monitor Offer Effectiveness:
Give Nifty a try and see how much easier and more profitable your Mercari selling experience can be! Start your free trial here.